Why Choose Us?

At Just/Because we offer Gallery shopping for every purse size. We are proud to showcase more than 70 American Artists plus over 20 International Artists. Many of our  Artists craft their items in their home studios sourcing their raw materials from local businesses. By doing so they are helping other small businesses provide sustainability and independence. Many of our Artists feature eco-friendly products that are not only good for you, but good for your home and the environment. Our Artists  are trying to teach all of us the importance of a tiny carbon footprint. At Just/Because we also feature Fair Traded products with the mission of helping others create a future for themselves, their families and their communities. Help us make the world a better place!

Just/Because is great for gifts and hard to find hand made products. I have purchased many gifts from Just/Because for 2 reasons: the items they have are great and so is the staff. I will go out of my way to shop here because of the customer service they provide. Not to be cliche but if I could give them more then 5 stars I would!

Ben Chalmers
Real Estate Broker

I have been to this place three times and it is my favorite shop on St Armands Circle. They always have little curios and art objects that I have never seen anywhere else and they are reasonable priced. I have no trouble restraining myself at any other store in the circle, but this is my krptonite!

Tom Schwider
Local Guide in Sarasota

About Us

Barbara Bria Pugliese & Marie Bria Cohen

Store Owners

Just/Because is the brain child of sisters Barbara and Marie with the help of their parents Victoria and Thomas, both who are in their eighties now. Victoria still comes to work twice a week and takes care of all their finances. Barbara has over 20 years of retail buying and management experience as well creating/designing visual displays . Marie represents the well-known jewelry designer Dr William Kovel for over 15 years. Dr Kovel unique jewelry is inspired by nature and the oceans. 


If you are in the neighborhood please stop by and visit us at our temporary location at Venice Mercato on the Island.  We are thrilled to have a new space and look forward to seeing you soon!


200 Base Ave E Venice Fl 34285 Sarasota, FL, United States, Florida 34236

Store Hours


Thurs - Sat

10am - 5pm